Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Phone: +47 7359 0246
Office: D 342
Projects for students
Fall 2023: "Topics in Modelling and Control for Mechanical Systems (Tema 6)"
Research topics
- Nonliniear Control Theory: analysis of stability of nonlinear dynamical systems; synthesis of state of output feedback controllers; analysis of sensitivity of nonlinear systems for uncertainties; applications: mechanical systems, flow-pressure instabilities in compressors dynamics, synchronization phenomena etc.
- Robotics: motion and trajectory planning for systems with constraints; grasping and dynamic manipulation; friction modeling and compensation; modeling and control design for system with hybrid dynamics; robot environment modeling and reconstruction with applications in industrial, service and educational robotics.
- Applications in Medicine and Biology: modeling and identification of dynamics of the cerebrospinal fluid system; analysis of motions of humans; statistical methods for analysis of proteome and metabolome data
Teaching: active and coming courses
- January-April 2024: Graduate course on "Robot Modeling and Control" (TTK4195, NTNU), see the link
- Fall 2023: Graduate course (Tema No.6) on "Topics in Modelling and Control for Mechanical Systems", see the link
- 2000-2023: The previous courses developed and run can be found following the link
Recent or important news, projects, events and contributions
January 2023: Important publication for the research group
- Sætre C.F. and A.S. Shiriaev. "Orbital stabilization of point-to-point maneuvers in underactuated mechanical systems," Automatica , 147: 110735, 2023
- February 2020: The invited talk at TechFood 2020-Automation and digital innovation for increased food processing in Norway (organized by SINTEF Ocean), see the link
- January 2020: The invited talk at FOR-seminar (organized by St.Olav Hospital, Trondheim)
- April 2019: The invited talk at ME & Robotics Institute, Michigan University hosted by Prof. Jessy Grizzle, see the link
- April 2018: The invited talk on "Skolkovo Robotics Forum", see
- November 2017: The key-note lecturer at "6th Aalborg U Robotics workshop", Aalborg, Denmark.
- June 2017: Two talks of Torleif Anstensrud and Anton Shiriaev on "Dynamic Walking 2017", Mariehamn, Finland, see the link
January 2017: Important publication for the research group
- Pchelkin S.S, A.S. Shiriaev, A. Robertsson, L.B. Freidovich, S.A. Kolyubin, L.V. Paramonov, and S.V. Gusev. `On Orbital Stabilization for Industrial Manipulators: Case Study in Evaluating Performances of Modified PD+ and Inverse Dynamics Controllers,' IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 25(1):101-117, 2017.
- January 2017: The research council of Norway (RCN) has approved the ITKPLUSS/FRINATEK four years research project "Dynamic manipulation for industrial and service robotics applications" with the budget 9.8 MNOK led by Anton, see the RCN link
July 2016: Important publication for the research group
- Gusev S.V., A.S. Shiriaev and L.B. Freidovich. `SDP-based approximation of stabilising solutions for periodic matrix Riccati differential equations,' International Journal of Control, 89(7): 1396-1405, 2016.
- April 2016: The invited talk at "Matlab Expo 2016", Stockholm, Sweden, see the link
- October 2015: The invited talk at "Servomøtet 2015", Norwegian Society of Electric and Automatic Control, NFEA
June 2015: Important publication for the research group
- Surov M., A.S. Shiriaev, L.B. Freidovich, S.V. Gusev and L.V. Paramonov. `Case study in non-prehensile manipulation: Planning and orbital stabilization of one-directional rolling for the 'Butterfly' robot,' in the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 1484-1489, 2015
September 2014: Important publication for the research group
- Shiriaev A.S., L. Freidovich, and M.W. Spong. ‘Controlled invariants and trajectory planning for underactuated mechanical systems,’ IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59(9): 2555-2561, 2014.
- 2012-2016: The research council of Norway (RCN) has approved the FRINATEK research project "Trajectory Planning, Numerical Analysis and Stabilization for Mechanical Systems" with the budget 9.9 MNOK led by Anton, see the RCN link
July 2010: The invited talk on "Dynamic Walking 2010" at MIT, Cambridge, USA, see the recorded talk
Short summary: The talk is devoted to illustration of computing a hybrid transverse linearization for analysis of passive gaits of a compass biped and for planning and controlling curvet gaits of a quadruped based on analytic technique introduced earlier in- Shiriaev A.S. and L.B. Freidovich. `Transverse linearization for impulsive mechanical systems with one passive link,’ IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 54(12): 2882-2888, 2009.